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Welland Bridge 13 August Illumination Schedule
The cbcra is a non-profit organization whose goal is to make recycling easy and convenient for business communities in Ontario. They do this by providing 100% complimentary offerings to members: free recycling bins, waste audits, recycling program resources, and help with events, but are not in the business of changing your hauling services or pick-ups.


Link to order free bins:

Media Release

City of Welland adopts Affordable Rental Housing Community Improvement Program


July 20, 2023

Welland, ON – During their council meeting on July 18, Welland City Council officially adopted an Affordable Rental Housing Community Improvement Plan (CIP). This program aims to establish a new housing partnership with multiple providers to address the city’s affordable housing needs.

The CIP and its accompanying programs offer financial incentives to private property owners and non-profit housing providers who wish to build affordable rental housing. Creating the CIP is part of the City’s Housing Action Plan and will help the City meet its housing growth target.

“We’ve undertaken considerable consultation to develop the CIP,” said Grant Munday, director of planning and development. “We’ve taken everything we heard from the consultations and created a CIP designed to stimulate and promote the creation and longevity of affordable housing in the City of Welland.”

The Affordable Rental Housing CIP offers seven incentive programs: Tax Increment Grant, Affordable Housing Study Grant, Affordable Residential Forgivable Loan, Extended Benefits Grant, Municipal Fees Grant, Affordable Housing Reserve Fund, and Special Land Program. For example, a property owner seeking to construct an affordable apartment in their home is eligible to receive up to a $20,000 forgivable loan.

The City of Welland wants to assist in the creation of more affordable housing. If interested in applying for the incentives, please contact qrifrei@jryynaq.pn.

To review the Affordable Rental Housing CIP, please see the following link: https://www.engagewelland.ca/affordable-housing-community-improvement-plan

For media inquiries, please contact:

Marc MacDonald
Corporate Communications Manager
905-735-1700 x2337



Alexis Higginbotham
Executive Director
60 East Main Street
Welland, ON
L3B 3X4
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